紫 V (精英版)  VEGA ELITE

柔和奇妙的手感, 獨特的弧圈性能, 超強的控球適用於所有水平的球員。VEGA ELITE 精英版選用較柔軟的碳素海綿。超凡的海綿提供柔和細膩的手感, 毫不遜色於VEGA PRO唯佳專業版和VEGA ASIA唯佳亞洲版。最新超彈技術源於膠皮表層的天然橡膠, 膠皮顆粒獨特結構制造卓越手感。特殊碳素海綿技術和膠皮超彈科技的完美結合賦予VEGA ELITE唯佳精英版絕對的控制力和強大的弧圈性能, 極大地降低賽場失誤。清脆響亮的撞球聲音有效提高球員判斷, 隨時調整戰術。強烈推薦現代歐洲打法, 追求穩控和弧圈的球員使用VEGA ELITE唯佳精英版。

Spin, Speed, Control and Softness
Dynamic sound for pure pleasure of table tennis

VEGA ELITE provides super balance for all levels of players. HYPER ELASTO top layer enables high level of spin game. Softer TENSOR sponge provides great stability and dynamic sound for pure pleasure of table tennis. The ball from VEGA ELITE draws sharper and higher ball-trajectory to create larger soft zone (BIG WINDOW) above the net. Super precision of VEGA ELITE enables player to always take the lead of fast top spin game. New structure of HYPER ELASTO top layer enhances the lifetime of rubber by 30%-50% when compare with conventional TENSOR rubbers.
